For as long as I can remember I've found myself absolutely enamored with certain objects. These simple examples of design perfection never fail to cause a warm glow to rise in me and a smile to creep across my usually frowning face. More so than anything else, the sight of these things fills me with a sense of wonder for whatever reason and today I thought I'd try to share why.
Supermarine Spitfire |
First up is the majestic Spitfire. One of my earliest memories is watching war films and documentaries with my dad and him explaining the difference between a Hurricane and a Spitfire. Living as close as I do to Farnborough Air Show I would wait every year to watch as these awesome machines roared overhead wonder-struck at how something so Victorian seeming could actually fly with such deadly grace. There's an elegant symmetry in the Spitfire that I just can't see in any other plane and even Concorde (which misses out on this list by the skin of it's teeth) could never inspire awe in me like a Spitfire. All this without even considering the brave men who flew them in combat, surely the can be no more a perfect symbol of the era.
X-Wing |
Next on the list, which is no order of preference, is another flying machine. The X-wing is almost as synonymous with my childhood Christmas' as decorated trees and presents. For as long as I can remember Star Wars held my attention over the Christmas period, with the exception of that weird gap in the 90's when no-one ever showed it, with it's young boy's dreams come true in movie form. I suppose that my upbringing of the Battle of Britain and swash buckling movies was the perfect primer for all that
BUT IN SPACE! Unlike the Spitfire the X-Wing could never inspire awe or respect but damn they look cool and I'd give my left nut to fly one, just once, you know for real!
While Luke Skywalker had an X-Wing the imperial troops on the ground had the impossibly balanced AT-ST. Unlike anything else on this list I always saw these walking tanks as almost alive. Along with the AT-AT (the 4 legged things from Empire Strikes Back for non Star Wars geeks) these were my introduction to the world of mechs. I'd never seen anything like it before. Clattering precariously towards its target the AT-ST always seemed on the edge of disaster while looking like a new born foal finding its feet for the first time as it spat laser death towards anyone in its path. Obviously in a fight the AT-ST is bound to lose, in fact both the X-Wing and Spitfire could kick its lilly ass with one wing tied behind their back but that's not the point. Clunky pointless and not even Wookie proof but every bit on my list!
My very own Fender Jaguar |
Next up is a genuine thing of beauty. Now, I own 6 guitars and on occasion have taken them into public places where upon my colleagues, friends or family have commented on the guitar I have with me. No other collection of metal, wood and plastics has ever received as much praise as this beauty. Other guitarists I know always want to get their fat, grubby fingers on it but it's mine. Regardless of its functionality as a guitar, it's only my 3rd favourite to play, just the sight of it makes me smile in even my darkest moments. Over the years I've grown more fond of the candy apple red version, mainly because that's the colour mine is, but all Fender Jaguars have the same effect. Warmth like I've pissed myself but with none of the embarrassment or cleaning up.
Snes Controller |
That just leaves me with the item, which if I were to choose favourites in this list of awesome, definitely comes top.I bought my Snes for £74.99 from Argos with a copy of Fifa International Soccer. It cost all my birthday money and I didn't even like football that much but the was not a power on this Earth that would stop my 11 year old self owning the console powerhouse of the day. I'd never been bought a games console as a kid, or since, but my parents did allow me to save and buy them myself. My first was a Sega Master System 2 which had a hard square controller that hurt my hands so when I first picked up the Snes controller I was in heaven. Not only was it rounded so my fingers didn't hurt but it had shoulder buttons! Even the mighty Mega Drive didn't have shoulder buttons. For me this was perfection. That day was the day I became a hardcore gamer. I played Fifa to death (and still play Fifa games now) and lived in awe of my Snes and it's perfect controller until one day last year when my mum confessed to having sold it while I was away. (That wound still hurts). Sure it would be useless for modern games but if I had my way everything would be controller by this perfect piece of design.
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