Monday, 5 July 2010

ain't technology grand?!

Or so I thought. I'd just written a post about the way I often find myself in awe of what is capable with everyday technologies. I'd written this post on my mobile. My point, which I explained beautifully and eloquently, was that within our life times technology has changed, and will continue to change, beyond any recognition. In my humble opinion that's amazing. That's actually something I can while away miserable hours thinking about. I'd love to go back 10 years and show my18 year old self HDTV or this generation of games consoles or go back 20 years and show my 8 year old self The Incredibles on DVD. Just because we have grown up with these technologies doesn't make them any less magical or awe inspiring. The same could be said for any major advance of the last 28 years but gadgets are my thing. The inspiration for this reflective post, the original of which included a lovely passage about how fortunate our place in the universe is, is my birthday which is today. I'm 28, too old to die young and be a member of the 27 club but still young enough to be reckless and irresponsible and to spend money on fancy toys and gadgets that I don't need but sometimes just look at a daydream off into an amazing world of technological advancement.
....Anyway, I had written this all on my mobile and I clicked post and *poof* it vanished into the mystical ether of...well I don't know...and I had to write this to explain the header with an empty post. Technology sucks!

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