12 weeks ago I started the first weekly update to this blog. Music Monday was to be my way of sharing my favourite lesser known bands with you all and for 10 weeks I delivered everything from hardcore punk to hip hop. Unfortunately for two weeks now I've let you down. There's two reasons for this: firstly I started to struggle to find quality artists to recommend and secondly I simple ran out of time on the the Monday's in question. Fear not music fans for Music Monday is not dead. Starting next week it's back and, hopefully, better than ever. For now here's a quick look back at the bands featured and reverandglass's pick for their best tracks:
Week 1 - Cats:For:Peru "Love in a Lift"
Week 2 - Gay For Johnny Depp "Shh, Put the shiv to my throat!"
Week 3 - Foxy Shazam "Wannabe Angel"
Week 4 - The Wake Effect "Ten Things to do if I Live"
Week 5 - The Pretty Reckless "Make Me Wanna Die"
Week 6 - Burn Before Reading "Markers"
Week 7 - My Vitriol "Falling off the Floor"
Week 8 - The Arkhams "She's Lost Control"
Week 9 - Fucked Up "Looking for God"
Week 10 - Cee Lo Green "Fuck You"
Well it's been an interesting 10 weeks and hopefully you'll check back next week to see the rebirth of Music Monday. In the mean time I'll leave you with a mini post for who should have featured in week 11:
There are few pieces of music, in the grand scheme of things, that are guaranteed to make the hairs stand up on the back of you next, that get the blood pumping in your veins faster than before, that make you want to get out of your seat and save the world. For me there are two pieces in particular that never fail to have that effect and the fact they both appear in the same movie just emphasises the point. The movie in question is Kick Ass and the composer John Murphy. You may not have heard of John Murphy, he's certainly not the household name John Williams is, but you'll probably know his work. If you've seen 28 Days Later, Sunshine or Kick Ass you'll be familiar with his soaring scores and even if you've missed all those amazing films you're bound to have seen Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels or Snatch. So for now it may be the end of Music Monday as we know it but turn the volume up and just enjoy Adagio in D Minor.
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