Tuesday, 29 June 2010

An exercise in willpower

willpower [ˈwɪlˌpaʊə]
1. the ability to control oneself and determine one's actions
2. firmness of will

From today, from right now actually, I will be testing the extent of my own willpower. Willpower seems to be a rare commodity these days. It seems that as everyone has gotten used to getting whatever they want, whenever they want and without any repercussions, the need to exercise any level of self control has been eroded in all but the very best of us. Just like patience, willpower is a virtue and as such should be something we nurture and aspire towards improving. It all seems simple enough: Take a situation and balance the temptation or instant gains against the motivation to resist. For example, I want to eat a large chocolate cake (really I do, there's one downstairs calling to me right now) and it will taste good, but I know that if I don't eat the cake I'll not spoil my diet and might just start to lose some weight. The instant gains is a chocolaty sugar high but my motivation is losing my pot belly. As soon as my motivation seems less than the instant gains that's when my willpower kicks in and common sense says, "Leave the cake alone!"
As a Christian I was taught to not give in to temptation and every Lent I would give something up, usually sweets, for 40 days before Easter. While it's been nearly 17 years since I last followed religion that early indoctrination has left me with a will of iron. Or so I thought. I recent times I've noticed just how readily I give in to any urge to spend money, eat junk or otherwise do things I know I'd be better off not doing. So, this week I will not buy anything that is not essential, not eat anything that is not the minimum to not get ill and generally say no to the little version of myself who has red horns and a tail and perches on my shoulder demanding cake. If all goes well I'll brag about it next week.

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